Shop my E46 M3 programs

Powertrain Program

Enhancing the performance and response of the S54 and its 6 speed transmission is a key focus. The signature CSL airbox is a staple, yet there's a lot more.

Chassis Program

The complete suspension, brakes and structural components were revisited with modern engineering and material science.

Exterior Program

With a focus on the signature CSL aesthetics, I curate products that go beyond the original CSL designs and construction with lightweight carbon panels.

Interior Program

Since 2021, I have been fully restoring and upgrading interior components of the E46 M3. Along the way, I've curated signature interior products for your build.

The big 3
Maintenance Program

The E46 M3 chassis and its S54 engine are for better, and for worse, products of a bygone era.

They had fundamental issues, and more. I have researched, documented and curated the best solutions on the market.

My must-haves

A blend of driving experience, aesthetics and functional upgrades.
The Phoenix's Build Journal
It shall live again.