Fixing the DCT-001, with a GTS twist.

"In this Special Series, I document my various experiences with DCT leaks, failing clutches, and their solutions, including the GTS Motorsport Oil Pan Kits.
This entry documents the installation process of the initial variant of GTS Motorsport Oil Pan Kits and the peripheral services."
- Matt
The revised plan.
On the previous entry, I cleaned up the DCT and analyzed the leaks to better understand where they originated.
Upon reviewing the extent of the leaks, I decided to go all in and perform a total service, along with an upgrade package to permanently solve common leaking problems.
Here is the list of SKUs I ordered
- Genuine BMW Suction Cartridge Filter (SKU: 28107842828)
- Genuine BMW Side Filter (SKU: 28107842840)
- Mechatronic O-Ring (SKU: 28607849555)
- New Coolant Hose (SKU: 17222283594)
- New Coolant Hose O-Rings (2x) (SKU:17222245358)
I had to change the coolant hose as it was appeared to be slightly leaking and we didn't want to take any chances. It's common to have it tear upon removing the DCT for servicing.
Before proceeding, I highly recommend you look up the torque specs of every bolt inside the DCT transmission and its pan.
You don't want to be that guy and overtorqued and snap the head of a bolt.

The side filter swap.
The filter located on the side of the transmission filter is held with a C clip. you'll need the proper tools to get it out and to re-align it to the enclore once you replace that filter.

The main suction filter swap.
The main suction filter is behind the main oil pan. You remove to remove 2x screws to get it out, along with the pick up tube if memory services me right.
Be mindful to not thread 'em. Swap and replace.

The mechanic o-ring is easily removed by sliding out the connector. No need to undo the bolt if memory serves me right.

Start by draining the fluids out of the transmission, and proceed to unbolt the pan. I suggest letting the car cool down before proceeding.

The main challenge is fitting the oil pick up tube extender - you want to quadruple check your fitment to the tube to ensure it won't unclip.

Be mindful that you are fitting an aluminum extender to plastic fittings. Here's how it should sit when it's all well and clipped in. Unscrew and transfer the magnet (lower left) from the OEM main oil pan to your new main pan.

You apply gasket maker last, once you have quadruple checked all your torque specs. Be mindful of the instructions regarding application of silicone and its time to dry before it glues properly.

Up next: I document the GTS filling specifications, how to achieve it, and my recommendations on fluids.